Running a business is like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle—challenging, thrilling, and sometimes a little bit crazy. But fear not, because we're here to add a touch of sass to your strategy and help you conquer the chaos with confidence.

Strategic Execution: Because Planning is Overrated

Got big dreams but feeling a bit stuck in the planning phase? Girl, it's time to kick that procrastination to the curb and start slaying those goals. Our Strategic Execution session is your fast-pass to turning dreams into reality, minus the overwhelm.

Here's the Scoop:

  • Laser Focus: We'll dive deep into your vision and whip up a roadmap to get you from where you are to where you want to be, pronto. The roadmap will serve as your guide and new direction for getting the back-end of your business and your people back on track. We scope out all the parts of your business, learn about what your vision is, and ta-da you have it ready for lift off with tailored recommendations based on where you currently are and how it will sustain you in your growth.

  • No-Nonsense Action: Spend just 4 hours with us, and we'll have you strutting away with a game plan so hot, it'll make your competitors sweat.

Automation Intensive: Work Smarter, Not Harder

Tired of playing digital janitor, cleaning up after your messy workflows? Let's automate that ish and free up your precious time for more important things—like sipping margaritas on a beach somewhere (you deserve it).

Why Bother?

  • Effortless Efficiency: Say goodbye to tedious tasks and hello to streamlined systems that practically run themselves. If you are resisting automation in your business, you are paying for it by hiring folks to do the manual work. Contrary to popular belief, you CAN have personalized automation and I can show you how!

  • Boss-Level Productivity: With automation on your side, you'll be getting more done in less time, leaving your competitors in the dust. In 14 days, we take you from employee of your own business to running that ish like a boss. How? I start with where you are, find where you want to go, and build it. I don’t just stop there. After we build, we train and we leave you with SOP’s and videos to make sure that you know EXACTLY what to do for optimal lift off and daily execution.

Virtual COO Retainer: Your Business BFF

You know that feeling when you're juggling a million things at once and just wish you had a clone? Consider us your business bestie, swooping in to take care of all the nitty-gritty backend stuff so you can focus on being the badass CEO you were born to be.

Get Ready to:

  • Delegate Like a Boss: Say farewell to overwhelm as we tackle your to-do list with finesse, leaving you free to conquer the world (or at least your industry). Working together, we find the operational tactics that YOU can implement and the delegation that needs to take place. We build the business you’ve been dreaming of from the inside out. Our operations team can help you with everything from company culture to scalability to leadership development.

  • Level Up Your Game: With our expert guidance, you'll be making strategic moves like a seasoned pro, leaving your competitors wondering what your secret sauce is. We act as a change agent for your company - helping you adapt through change and making it a positive experience for all involved. This is a high-touch option that is tailored to your specific needs and you have an operations guru right at your side as a business bestie.

1:1 Coaching: Elevate Your CEO Game

Ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? Our 1:1 coaching program is like a turbo boost for your business acumen, designed to help you leverage your team, smash through mental blocks, and run your business like a well-oiled machine.

What You'll Get:

  • 12 Sessions: This is a deep dive 6 month program designed to revolutionize how you lead and unlock the secrets to building a powerhouse team, overcoming mindset hurdles, and maximizing your business's potential.

  • Kindness: How we show up for ourselves in our life matters to how we show up in our business or in our corporate job. It is HARD to admit that we might have some mindset work that needs to be done. In this safe space, we sit together, we cry together, and we pull you from feeling like you are on a hamster wheel and no matter what you do nothing changes. I see you. I believe in you, and I’m here to help you pave your own way. Ask yourself: What would it feel like if I loved who I am and loved my business with my whole heart?

  • Time, Freedom, Profit: Say goodbye to burnout and hello to a business that runs like clockwork, giving you back the time, freedom, and profit you've been craving by attuning to your unique needs and the zone of genius you need to have those things.

MEET YOUR Fractional COO

Kallai Plummer
Fractional COO, Podcast Host, Business Coach

Kallai Plummer is a Virtual COO, business coach, and podcast host. Her mission is to be an advocate for women in business to become confident decision makers and pave their own way to gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. As the founder of Kal+Co., Kallai has helped women in business not only build the back end of their business with people, processes, and profit but has also walked beside them transitioning them to be confident leaders of their business with a clear vision.

She regularly shares wisdom and insight along with other empowering women in business on That Big CEO Energy, a podcast for women ready to unlock the mindset and strategy for big success. Kallai's journey as a woman in business is marked by resilience, determination, and an unwavering commitment to supporting others.

With Kal+Co., she continues to fulfill her dream of creating a positive impact and empowering women entrepreneurs to achieve extraordinary success.